第 60 课:The Crow and the Pitcher 乌鸦和水罐

A thirsty crow once came upon a pitcher with very little water in it. 一只口渴的乌鸦碰巧遇到一只大水罐,里面只有一点点水。

Try as he would, he could get no water, for it was too far down in the pitcher. " 无论他怎么想办法,他都喝不到水,因为水在罐子底部,太深了。

I must find a way to get this water,"thought the crow."I am too thirsty to go away without it."“我一定要想办法喝到水。”乌鸦想。 “我太渴了,我不能不喝水就走了。”

Just then the crow saw a pebble beside the pitcher, and it gave him an idea. 就在这时,乌鸦看到水罐旁边有块小鹅卵石,这让他想到一个主意。

He picked up the pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. 他捡起石头,把它放进水罐里。

Then, one by one, he picked up more pebbles and dropped them into the pitcher. 然后,一块接着一块,他捡了更多的鹅卵石扔进水罐里。

Every time a pebble fell into the water, the water rose a little.

At last the water came up far enough for the crow to get all he wanted. 最后,水上升到足够的高度,让乌鸦能喝到水了。

"That just goes to show,"said the wise old bird, as he helped himself to the
water, "Where there is a will, there is a way." “那正说明,”当这只年老英明的乌鸦帮他自己喝到水后,说,“有志者事竟成。”