第 11 课:NY Thanksgiving Day Parade 纽约感恩节游行

In the United States it's Thanksgiving Day, a major celebration in the American year. But after the events of September the 11th, many people simply haven't been in the usual mood. 今天是美国的感恩节,美国一年中的重大庆祝活动。但在“9·11事件”发生后,许多人还没有恢复以往的情绪,

Others though are determined to try and lift the nation's spirits. And in New York, there has been a huge turnout for the city's Thanksgiving Parade. 但有些人却下决心试一把,鼓舞整个国家的士气。许多人参加了今年纽约的感恩节游行。

It is a day of so many emotions. For more than 70 years, the Thanksgiving Parade has held a special place in the heart of Americans. For Gagzaied, this year is more precious than ever. 今天参加游行的人们可真是百感交集。七十多年来,感恩节游行在美国人心中占据着特殊的地位。对于盖格扎德来说,今年更非往年可比,有着特殊的意义。

He escaped from the World Trade Center before it collapsed. His family knows they are lucky. Things could have been very different. 他在世界贸易大厦倒塌前一刻死里逃生。他的家人也明白自己非常幸运。事情的结局本来也许会截然不同。

Daughter: This year is special because my dad came back safely from what happened on September 11th, and I'm glad he is OK. 女儿:今年非常特殊,因为我爸爸在“9·11事件”中安然无恙地生还。我很高兴他没事。

Across the city in just a few streets from where the Twin Towers were, a stark reminder that thousands of people have little to celebrate. 在城市的另一边,离世贸大厦曾矗立的地方数条街以外,成千上万的人无可庆祝,景况十分凄凉。

Ghad is now a volunteer here for the Red Cross. He's needed the charity too, with no job since September the 11th and a family of seven to look after. 盖德现在是红十字会的志愿者。他也需要慈善援助。自从“9·11事件”以来他就失业了,他需要照顾一个有着七名成员的大家庭。

Ghad: I come in here to help everybody. 盖德:我到这儿来帮助他人。

Plenty of people here feel the same. They're come to the Parade to show the city is doing its best to recover. The parade gave them the chance to honor the police and fire crews of the city, now the heroes of everyone. 这里的许多人也有同感。他们来参加游行,向世界显示这座城市正尽最大努力从事件中恢复过来。游行让人们有机会向这个城市的英雄——警察和消防员们表示敬意。

In a city shattered by its most recent past, for some at least the traditional Thanksgiving celebrations were a source of comfort. 在最近遭受打击的这座城市中,对于某些人来说,传统的感恩节庆祝活动至少是一种安慰。

The Thanksgiving Day Parade has been part of the American history since the early 1920's. And organizers say there was never any question that this year's would be cancelled. 自上个世纪二十年代初期以来,感恩节游行就成了美国历史的一部分。组织者说,没有任何人提出今年的游行是否应该取消的问题。

Instead, they hoped that for some New Yorkers, at least, it might be a symbol of hope for the future. 相反,大家希望,至少对于一部分纽约人来说,这象征着未来的希望。