第 14 课:Napster Fights for Survival Napster 面临法律挑战

Thousands of miles away from Wall Street today, a ruling that truly rocks the music industry and fans of Napster, the popular on-line music swapping service was dealt a blow from a Federal Court in California, which concluded Napster is infringing on copyrights. 来自华尔街数千里以外的消息,加利福尼亚州的一个联邦法院做出Napster侵犯了版权的裁定,这不啻于给风行一时的在线音乐交换服务沉重的一击,这个裁决震惊了整个音乐界和Napster的忠实拥趸们。

But the service is still up and running. Bruce Francis joins us now with the details of today's complex decision. 但Napster的这项服务仍在继续。布鲁斯·弗兰西斯为您详细报导今日这个复杂的决定。

Bruce Francis: Up and running for now. Bed time for Napster? Not yet. The service stays up and running while a lower court figures out issues like identifying copyrighted files but today the recording industry clearly gained the upper hand in its love-hate, well mostly hate relationship with Napster. 布鲁斯·弗兰西斯:服务确实仍在继续。Napster该偃旗息鼓了吗?没有。Napster 的服务并未停止,一个下级法院正忙于一些诸如鉴定版权文件等事务的同时,今天唱片业在与Napster的恩怨——当然以怨为主的纠葛中明显地占了上风。

No rest for Napster user Peter Sayer this past weekend. A rush to find music before a potential shutdown yielded a bonanza. 上个周末Napster用户彼德·塞尔没有休息。在Napster可能关闭以前大家一窝蜂地上线去找音乐,而且收获颇丰。

Peter Sayer: Me and about a million other users run through it as well and that creates a large volume of shared files so there's more out there to download and we go nuts downloading. 彼德·塞尔:我和其他约一百多万用户一起冲刺,于是出现了许多共享文件,还有更多可供下载,我们都疯狂地下载。

Napster, which allows users to exchange recorded music over the Internet, plays on for Sayer and some 50 million other registered users but perhaps not for long. Napster 继续开放,允许塞尔及其他五千万注册用户在互联网上交换录制的音乐,但这种状态也许不会维持多久。

A Federal Appeals Court in San Francisco ruled that an earlier order shutting down Napster has to be modified. Once it is though, the service could be halted. 旧金山的一个联邦上诉法院做出裁决,将要对早先的一个关闭Napster 的决议做出修改。一旦这样,服务器将被停止。

In a slam dunk for the recording industry, the Ninth District Court Of Appeals found that Napster knew or had reason to know of its users?infringement of plaintiff's copyrights. Napster's CEO Hank Barry vowed to appeal. 这是唱片业的一次重大胜利,地方第九上诉法院断定,Napster早就知道或有理由知道它的用户侵害了原告的版权。Napster的总裁汉克·巴里立誓要上诉。

Hank Barry: We believe this is contrary to what the court ruled today. The Napster users are not copyright infringers and we will pursue every legal avenue to keep Napster operating. 汉克·巴里:我们相信事实与法院今天做出的裁决是相矛盾的。Napster的用户并没有侵犯版权,我们将寻找一切途径以维持Napster的运行。

The recording industry including Warner Music, which like CNN is owned by a AOL-Time Warner, couldn't be happier. 包括像CNN一样属AOL时代华纳公司所有的华纳公司在内的唱片业再高兴不过了。

RIAA CEO, Hilary Rosen: That a business model built on infringement is not only morally wrong but legally wrong. And we're very gratified that the Ninth Circuit today agreed with us one hundred percent. 希拉里·罗森(美国唱片工业协会总裁):建立在侵权基础上的企业模式不仅有违道德,也是违反法律准则的。今天第九巡回法院百分之百地支持我们,令我们感到非常满意。

Last fall German entertainment giant Burtlesman broke ranks with the recording industry and invested in Napster and struck a deal to develop a subscription version. 去年秋季德国娱乐业霸主贝塔斯曼与唱片业脱离了关系,转而投资Napster,并签下一笔交易发展付费版。

And while he's still too young to legally drown his sorrows over today's ruling in a beer, Napster's founder Sean Fanning says that effort continues. Napster的创始人肖恩·凡宁还太年轻,即使面对今天的裁决他也不能在法律允许的前提下借酒消愁。但他说发展Napster付费版的工作仍将继续下去。

Sean Fanning: I'm focused on building this better service and I still hope to have it in place this year. 肖恩·范宁:我正集中精力创建更好的服务,我希望今年就能建起来。

But fans of a free Napster might not stick around. 但Napster的免费用户也许没有耐心。

User: My interest to get into this one when I can easily get into another one. If it was the same idea and you wouldn't have to subscribe to it. 用户:我的兴趣就是能在这里进出自由,如果大家都一样的话,我就没必要一定要花钱买Napster的服务。

And Napster could appeal the injunction and the rest of the decision to the Supreme Court. Napster可以对法院的此项命令和裁定的其它内容向最高法院提出上诉。