第 2 课:Fall of a Super Star: George Harrison 乔治·哈里森 -2

In a statement, Ringo Starr, the other surviving Beatle, said: “We will miss George, for his sense of love, his sense of music, and his sense of laughter.” 披头士另一名依然健在的成员林戈·斯塔尔在一份声明中说,“我们会想念乔治的,想念他的爱、乐感和笑容。”

Tony Blair, in Dublin with the Irish Prime Minister, was ten when the Beatles had their first number one. 托尼·布莱尔正在都柏林与爱尔兰总理在一起,当披头士第一次夺得排行榜冠军的时候, 他年仅十岁。

Tony Blair: I never had the privilege of meeting George Harrison, but the generation of Bertie and myself, I mean we grew up with the Beatles. 托尼·布莱尔:我从未有幸与乔治·哈里森相识,但对我和伯蒂这一代人来说,披头士伴随着我们长大。

You know, their music, and the band, the personalities of the band were the background for our lives. 他们的音乐、乐队,以及乐队的个性都成了我们生活的背景。

I think people will be very sad at his death and I think it's worth pointing out that he wasn't just a great musician and artist, but he did an immense amount for charity as well, so he will be very, very sadly missed by people right around the world. 我想,人们会为他的去世感到万分悲痛; 尤其需要指出的是,他并不仅仅只是一个伟大的音乐家和艺术家,他还为慈善事业作出了巨大的贡献,全世界都将深深地想念他。

In Liverpool, the city that was theirs and which they made famous, some people laid flowers for George Harrison at a statue of the Beatles. 在利物浦,这座生养他们以及因其成名的城市,一些人在披头士的雕像下为乔治·哈里森献上鲜花。

Others signed a book of condolence. And on Penny Lane, about which they once sang a song, memories were stirred. 还有人则在吊唁书上签字。在彭尼街,他们曾为此唱过一支歌,如今,记忆都被激活了。

Fan 1: We used to watch him when the Cabin and the rooftop sessions, and followed their music. It's a very sad day for the people of Liverpool today. 歌迷甲:从披头士最开始时一直到他们解散,我一直关注着他们的音乐,这对利物浦人民来说是悲痛的一天。

Fan 2: I was really, really sad about it because it looked like it was going to happen, you know. But I was really sad. 歌迷乙:我非常伤心,这看起来无法避免。但我还是非常伤心。

In New York, the city where 21 years ago, John Lennon was shot dead by a deranged fan, at Strawberry Fields, tributes were being paid to another member of that group, a man whose music inspired many. 纽约的草莓地,二十一年前一个发狂的歌迷曾在这里开枪杀害了约翰·列侬,如今人们在这里为乔治·哈里森设祭坛,他的歌曾激励了许多人。

Bob Geldof: I think almost uniquely possibly in music and certainly in guitar, are a guitarist's paces, his, all his solos or his little licks can be hummed by practically everyone in the world. I don't think there is another guitar player can claim that. 鲍勃·吉尔多夫: 我想他编曲的风格独特,尤其是吉他弹奏,用的是吉他手的节奏。他所有的独唱部分都有他即兴加入的小过门,几乎每个人都能轻轻哼出来。我想没有其他的吉他手能做到这一点。

Some months ago, just before his final illness, George Harrison undertook his last project. It was the reworking of a 1970 album entitled, “All Things Must Pass.” 几个月前,在最后一次疾病袭击前,乔治·哈里森接受了最后一项任务—重新制作七十年代《一切都成为过去》这张专辑。