第 21 课:US Sprinter Named World's Best Athlete 美国短跑运动员获欧文斯奖

The triple Olympic gold medalist Marion Jones has won the Jesse Owens International Trophy as the world's outstanding athlete of last year. 三块奥运会金牌得主玛丽安·琼斯作为去年世界杰出田径运动员荣获杰西·欧文斯国际大奖。

Jones, who won the award for the second time in her career, paid tribute to Owens‘achievements as an athlete in the 1930s and in particular to his feat of winning four gold medals at the now infamous 1936 Olympics in Berlin. 琼斯在其运动生涯中已是第二次获得该奖,她在颁奖仪式上赞扬欧文斯的成就。欧文斯是20世纪三十年代的田径运动员,值得一提的是他在臭名昭著的1936年柏林奥运会中取得四块金牌的战绩。

Times have changed for black Americans since those days and Jones herself admits she's been lucky to achieve so much for doing something she loves. 从那时起田径变成了美国黑人的天下,琼斯本人承认为她热爱做的东西取得如此成就是幸运的。

Marion Jones: I'vee heard people say that, “Marion you're one of the greatest ever.?I don't think so. Not yet. I'm 25 years old and sometimes when some people refer to me they make it sound like I'vee been to several Olympics. 玛丽安·琼斯:你知道我已听人们说过,“玛丽安,你是有史以来最伟大的田径运动员之一。”我并不认同这种说法。我还不是。我今年才25岁,有时当人们谈到我,他们说得我似乎已参加过好几届奥运会。

This is only my first Olympics. I'm 25 years old and I think I have a number of Olympics still in me. I have yet to break any world records which are definitely a goal of mine. 这只是我首次参加奥运会。我只有25岁,我想我仍然可以参加几届奥运会。我还可以破世界纪录,那绝对是我的目标。