第 4 课:IOC New Leader Elected 国际奥委会新主席上台

Jacques Rogge, an orthopedic surgeon from Belgium, now holds the most powerful job in world sport. 雅克·罗格,来自比利时的整形外科医生,现在握有全世界体育的最高权力,

He's been elected as the new president of the International Olympic Committee and takes over after the 21-year presidential term of the outgoing Juan Antonio Samaranch. 他当选为新一届国际奥林匹克委员会主席,接替即将离任的担任国际奥委会主席21年的胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇。

Received in Moscow like a head of state, the last act of the outgoing president was to announce his successor. 在莫斯科,萨马兰奇受到了国家元首般的接待,这个即将离任的主席最后一项工作就是宣布他的继任者。

Mr. Samaranch didn't vote. He left that to the hundred-odd members of the Olympic committee, a disparate collection of sports administrators, many with conflicting agendas. The result, when it came, was no surprise. 萨马兰奇先生并没有投票,他把这个任务留给了由100多个成员组成的国际奥委会,一个由各种各样的体育官员组成的集体,其中很多成员的议事日程甚至互相冲突。投票结果没有出乎人们的意料。

Samaranch: The new President of the International Olympic Committee is Dr. Jacques Rogge. 萨马兰奇:新一届国际奥委会主席是雅克·罗格医生。

With all the pageantry of a Miss World, save the tears and tiara, a Belgian surgeon, and Samaranch disciple, now assumes the most powerful position in world sport. 伴着世界小姐评选般的壮丽场面,这当然不包括眼泪和王冕,一个比利时医生,萨马兰奇的拥护者,现在站在了世界体育权力的顶峰。

So the Olympic committee has opted for compromised Belgian style. Jacques Rogge was believed to be President Samaranch's preferred candidate. Another European, he was also considered to be the least controversial choice. 国际奥委会最终选择了中庸的比利时风格。雅克·罗格被认为是萨马兰奇主席心目中的人选。这又是一个欧洲人,他也是争议最少的人选。

But controversy stalks this movement. Jacques Rogge may be Mr. Clean, but even one of the failed candidates was alleged to have offered a $50,000 salary for every committee member. 但争议一直伴随着奥林匹克运动。雅克·罗格也许是廉洁的,但是据说有一个竞争失败的候选人答应为每一个委员提供5万美元的酬金。

Un Yong Kim from South Korea denied it. He was too unwell to attend today's ceremony and hear the new president's pledges. 韩国的金云龙否认了这一点,他不愿意出席今天的仪式,也不想听新主席的誓言。

Rogge: I would definitely want to innovate in many fields because the IOC has to follow the changes of society and I would particularly want to defend the credibility of sport against threats of doping, corruption, violence. 罗格:我肯定会对很多领域进行革新,因为国际奥委会必须紧跟社会的变革。我要特别维护体育的声誉,使其远离兴奋剂、腐败和暴力。

The new man's first task was to award the old man the highest honor in the Olympic movement. Samaranch bows out with a gold for his mountain effort. 新主席的第一个任务就是为离任的老人颁发奥林匹克运动的最高荣誉。萨马兰奇带着对他21年辛勤工作认可的金牌,离任而去,

Jacques Rogge is left to negotiate the hurdles of drug cheats, high finance, and corruption. 雅克·罗格留下来对付兴奋剂、巨额融资及腐败问题。