第 47 课:Tracking Final Fantasy 热影追踪:《最终幻想》-1

Tom Brook: Hello from New York. I'm Tom Brook and today's program Final Fantasy a film with actors that look human but aren't. 汤姆·布鲁克:大家好,这里是纽约。我是汤姆·布鲁克,今天的节目介绍电影《最终幻想》,所有演员都看似真人,却非真人。

Final Fantasy , The Spirits Within , the full-length feature with a cast made up entirely of computer generated actors who look human has just arrived in American cinemas. 刚刚在美国电影院上映的《最终幻想——精神内在》是一部标准长度的影片,演员全部是由电脑制作出来的仿真人。

It's a sci-fi thriller set in the year 2065. The film's life-like characters give a taste of what cinema in the future could become. I'll be back with a brief review after this report from Richard McCaffery. 这是一部将时间设定在2065年的科幻恐怖片,这部影片的仿真人向观众展示了未来的电影院将会是什么样子。在里查德·麦卡弗里向大家讲解后,我将回来给大家做个简单的介绍。

The star of Final Fantasy , a futuristic sci-fi thriller is a brilliant scientist called Dr. Aki Ross. 未来派的科幻恐怖片《最终幻想》的主角是一个出色的科学家阿奇·罗斯博士。

The film's opening dream sequence features a close up of her eye and reveals how authentically her human characteristics have been digitally rendered. Ming Na, the actress who supplies her voice, is startled by what has been achieved. 影片开场的梦境一段用了她的眼睛的特写镜头,展示了由数码技术制作出来的人类的特性的真实感。为其配音的演员明娜对这种技术感到惊讶。

Aki Ross: We're closing in on the life form. 阿奇·罗斯:我们来仔细看一下这个生命形态。

Dr. Aki leads a mission in search of a solution to eradicate an alien infestation that has caused mass devastation on earth in the year 2065. 在2065年,一种外星害虫在地球上造成了大规模的破坏,阿奇博士带领一队人去寻找一个解决方法来彻底根除它们。

Aki and her mentor Dr. Sid advocate a holistic approach using animals and plants while the nasty General Hein voiced by James Woods believes that blasting the aliens with a laser canon is the sure-fire way to get rid of the invaders. 阿奇和她的导师锡德博士提倡用动物和植物以整体消灭的方法,而居心叵测的海因将军(由詹姆斯·伍德配音)则相信用激光来摧毁外星生物才是消灭入侵者的唯一方法。

There's also a romantic sub-plot between Aki and the dashing Captain Gray Edwards who bears more than a passing resemblance to Ben Affleck. And his voice by actor Alec Baldwin who welcomes his digital alter-ego's appearance. 在阿奇和精力充沛的格雷·爱德华兹上尉之间的爱情故事被安排为第二主线,爱德华兹与本·阿弗拉克在相貌上非常相似。演员亚历·鲍德温为他配音,并十分喜爱与自己迥异的数码形象。

Final Fantasy is the brain-child of director Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the popular Final Fantasy video game. He and his team of some 200 digital artists spent four years studying the tiny nuances of light, movement and human anatomy. 《最终幻想》是导演坂口博信的杰作,他也是颇受欢迎的电子游戏《最终幻想》的创作者。他和他约两百名数码艺术家组成一只队伍,花了四年的时间来研究光线、动作和人体构造的细微差别。

Their meticulous attention to detail pushed the film's cost to over $100 million. Final Fantasy 's pioneering animationly cast bill paid off and represents something of a milestone. 他们对细节制作的严谨使得这部影片造价高达一亿美元。《最终幻想》所使用的先进动画技术得到了较好的回报,并代表着一个里程碑。

Richard McCaffery: The arrival of a big-budget film with a computer generated human cast has created anxiety among some actors. 里查德·麦卡弗里:这部造价昂贵、由电脑制作的仿真演员演出的影片在一些演员当中引起了不安。