第 65 课:Clinton Controversies Continue 克林顿任后的争议继续

Well he may have left office last month but controversy surrounds the antics of Bill Clinton. 比尔·克林顿的总统生涯在上月结束了,但围绕他不寻常行为的争议仍然继续。

On Wednesday the US Congress begins an investigation of Mr. Clinton's pardoning of the fugitive financier amid allegations he was influenced by political donations. But it's not the only scandal embroiling the former president since he left the White House. 在星期三,美国国会将开始对克林顿赦免一个在逃的金融家之事进行调查。他被指控在政治捐款的影响下签署特赦令,而这位前总统在离开白宫后卷入的一连串争议远不止这一件。

No longer President, but still the center of attention. Beleaguered Bill Clinton was in Harlem today a predominantly black New York neighborhood where the former president now says he's going to set up an office. 深受困扰的比尔·克林顿虽然不再是总统,但他仍然是众人关注的焦点。今天他来到了纽约的哈莱姆区,这是一个黑人为主的居住区,克林顿想在这里设立他的新办公室。

Clinton: I called Hillary and I asked my Senator first how she would feel about me coming to Harlem. And she loved it. 克林顿:我给希拉里打电话,询问我参议员对我来哈莱姆的意见,她说她非常赞成这个做法。

In fact, he wanted his office in ultra-expensive midtown Manhattan. It was only after howls of protest about the exorbitant rent to be paid by the taxpayer that he changed his mind. 克林顿原来是要把他的办公室设在租金昂贵的曼哈顿中区。不过,在纳税人由于不得不为此支付高不可攀的租金而进行了一系列激烈的抗议行动后,克林顿改变了主意。

In the 24 days since they left the presidency behind, the Clintons have been dogged by controversy. Much of it focused on the pardons issued by Bill Clinton in his final hours as president. 在离任后后的二十四天里,克林顿夫妇一直为一连串的争议所困扰,而争议的焦点则是克林顿在离任前为马克·里奇签署的特赦令。

Marc Rich, a millionaire fugitive accused of massive tax fraud and of illegal trading with Iran received a Clinton pardon and that's led to awkward questions about the close relationship evident at this awards dinner between the Clintons and Marc Rich's ex-wife Denise. 在逃的百万富翁马克·里奇被指控犯有数额巨大的税款诈骗罪以及与伊朗进行非法贸易。他这次得到了克林顿的特赦,这就让人联系到在这次颁奖仪式上克林顿夫妇与马克·里奇的前妻丹尼斯·里奇之前不同寻常的亲密关系这个尴尬的问题。

Denise Rich has given big donations to the Democrats and to Bill Clinton's presidential library and she wanted her former husband pardoned. 丹尼斯·里奇曾把大笔捐款给了美国民主党和比尔·克林顿的总统图书馆,她希望她的前夫能够得到赦免。

In Congress they smell a rat. The formal investigation has begun and even Bill Clinton's best political friends aren't defending him. 在国会里,有人觉得事情有可疑,官方调查已经启动。这一回,即使是克林顿政治上最好的朋友也没有站在他一边。

Sen. Charles Schumer: I can't think of a single justification for the Rich pardon. It is wrong, wrong, wrong. 参议员舒默:我想不出为里奇赦免案辩解的任何理由。这件事真是错得不能再错了。

Then there's the furniture fiasco. The Clintons took $200,000 worth of furnishings from the White House. They since said they'd pay for many items but critics claim some of the things moved into the Clinton's New York home are in effect stolen property. 还有那可笑的家具事件。克林顿夫妇从白宫拿起了价值二十万美元的家具,他们称已经为其中的一部分付了钱,但批评者说一些克林顿夫妇从白宫搬到他们的纽约新家的东西确实是偷来的白宫财产。

Hillary Clinton: We complied with everything that Presidents and their families are expected to comply with and there really isn't anything to add to that. 希拉里·克林顿:美国总统和他们的家人必须遵守的规则我们都一一遵守了,我们再也没有什么好说的了。

Today President Bush suggested that investigations into his predecessor's actions should soon be stopped. But that seems unlikely. Congressional Republicans think they've got Bill Clinton on the ropes and that s just where they want him. 布什总统在今天说关于他前任的调查很快就会结束,情况看来未必如此。国会的共和党人觉得现在克林顿正处于困境,他们不想放过这个机会。