第 67 课:Seoul breaks military ties with Tokyo 韩国中止与日本的军事交流

South Korea's Defense Ministry has announced it's suspending military exchanges with Japan because of rally over school history textbooks. 为了表达在日本历史教科书问题上的不满,韩国国防部宣布将中止与日本的军事交流。

South Korea is reportedly angry at what it calls attempts by Japan to whitewash its military past. Joining me now from Seoul is our correspondent Caroline Gluck. Caroline, what exactly are they objecting to? 据报道,韩国对日本企图美化日本军国历史表示愤怒。我们在汉城的记者卡罗琳·格卢克现在加入我们的报道。卡罗琳,韩国人到底对什么事情不满?

Well, South Korea says that the books basically whitewash Japan's colonial wartime past, gloss over several issues that authorities in Tokyo may deem...that puts Japan in a bad light. 韩国说日本的历史教科书基本上掩盖了日本在殖民战争时期的历史,并在那些日本官方认为......让日本脸上无光的几个问题上涂脂抹粉。

Seoul is particularly upset at the fact that one of the books, at least, makes no mention of the existence of the tens of thousands Asian women, most of whom were Korean, who were forced to serve as wartime sex slaves for the Japanese military. 令汉城政府特别不满的是这套历史教科书中至少有一本根本没有提到数以万计的亚洲慰安妇这个事实,这些慰安妇大部分是韩国妇女,她们被迫成为战时日本军队的性奴隶。

Are these new history books? 这些历史教科书是新的吗?

They were approved back in April. Then South Korea launched a number of objections and called on the Japanese authorities to revise 35 passages. Also, Beijing has asked Japan to revise 8 passages. 这些历史教科书是在今年四月审定通过的。在当时,韩国就提出抗议,要求日本官方对教科书作35处的修改。中国政府同时也要求日本作8处修改。

And then earlier this week, we had the final response from Tokyo, that they would make two changes but certainly not the wider revisions called for by Seoul. 本周早些时候,东京政府就此事作了最后回应,日本只承诺作2处修改,但肯定不会像汉城政府要求的那样作多处修改。

How significant are these military exchanges that they're withdrawing from? 那韩国目前中断这些军事交流有什么重大意义?

They're significant in that they're very high level. The two countries have been building up a great deal of confidence and trust over the last few years. 此举意义不一般,因为这些交流是高层交流。韩日两国在过去的几年里相互之间建立起了一种信任关系。

Historically, they've been bitter enemies. Japan was the colonial power. It occupied Korea for 35 years, and many Koreans still harbor very bitter memories of that time, a time when they were prevented from speaking their own language and had to pledge allegiance to the Japanese emperor. 在历史上,韩日两国是相互仇视的敌人,日本是当时的殖民统治者,曾占领韩国达35年之久,许多韩国人对那个时期有着痛苦的记忆。当时韩国人被禁止讲自己的语言,并且不得不向日本天皇表忠。

So, any contact between the two countries has been very important in rebuilding trust and confidence, and I think this will be seen as quite a serious measure. 因此,韩日两国之间的任何接触对于重新建立两国之间的信任是非常重要的。我认为,韩国这次采取的行动非同小可。