第 70 课:No Let Up for the Middle East 中东形势仍然严峻

Four Palestinian militant groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad have offered to halt attacks within Israel for a week, if Israel suspends its strikes on Palestinian territories. 包括哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织在内的四个巴勒斯坦武装组织提出,如果以色列停止对巴勒斯坦地区的进攻,他们就暂停在以境内的攻击行动一个星期。

An Israeli security official is reported to have dismissed the offer. Earlier Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned that Israel may step-up its military operations in Palestinian areas following the latest suicide bomb attack in which at least eight people were wounded. 据说一名以色列的安全官员驳回了这一建议。早些时候,以色列的总理阿里埃勒·沙龙警告说,继最新的一次自杀式爆炸后,以色列会增加在巴勒斯坦地区的军事行动。在这次爆炸中,至少有八人受伤。

A Palestinian detonated explosives strapped to his body at a bus stop during a morning rush hour in the northern city of Haifa. 在北部城市海法,一名巴勒斯坦人在早上上班的交通高峰时间,在一个公共汽车站点燃了捆在身上的炸药。

Meanwhile Palestinians say Israeli troops killed four Palestinian policemen during a raid on the West Bank village of Anabta. An Israeli official said the four died during an exchange of fire. 与此同时,巴勒斯坦方面说以色列军队在对约旦河西岸一个叫阿纳塔的村庄进行袭击时,杀死了四名巴方警察。一名以方官员说那四人死于双方的交战当中。

Just what Israel was afraid of, another suicide bombing, another attempt to take innocent lives. Proof, says Israel, that Yasser Arafat isn't doing enough to put extremists behind bars. He condemned the attack. Israel says talk is cheap. 再次发生自杀式爆炸,企图杀害无辜,这正是以色列方面害怕发生的事情。以方说,这也证明了亚西尔·阿拉法特并没有尽力把极端分子都抓起来。虽然阿拉法特对此事件表示谴责,但以色列方面说任何言辞都是虚伪的。

So it's been keeping up the pressure sending tanks onto Arafat's territory, killing four Palestinian policemen in a raid on the West Bank. 因此,以方把坦克开进阿拉法特的地区,并在对约旦河西岸的一次袭击行动中杀死了四名巴方警察,以此向对方施加压力。

On both sides of the line now a feeling of despair. Every day brings less hope and more blood. Israeli ministers bussed to their weekly cabinet meeting today not in Jerusalem as usual, but in a military base on the West Bank. 如今,双方都对形势感到绝望。每天都会有更多的流血事件,希望却在减少。今天,以色列的部长们被大巴送到约旦河西岸的一个军事基地举行他们每周一次的例行内阁会议,而往常,会议都是在耶路撒冷举行的。

Ariel Sharon's saying he wanted his cabinet to hear from commanders in the front line and warning that Israel's retaliation may be stepped up. 阿里埃勒·沙龙说他要他的内阁成员们都听听前线指挥官要说些什么,而且他警告说,以色列方面会加强报复行动。

Candles being lit in Jerusalem tonight to mark a Jewish holiday and to mourn the teenagers killed on this spot. New York's outgoing Mayor Rudy Giuliani showing his solidarity. 今晚,在耶路撒冷,人们点燃蜡烛纪念一个犹太节日,悼念在这里被杀的少年。即将卸任的纽约市长鲁迪·朱利安尼也和他们站在一起。

On the podium now is the father of one of the victims remembering his son. Israel is still trying to come to terms with the heavy losses here last weekend and there's a great deal of fear in the country now with intelligence warnings every day that more suicide bombers are on the loose just waiting to strike. 一位受害者的父亲正在台上表达对儿子的思念。以色列正努力应付上个周末的重大伤亡。由于情报部门每天都发出警告,说有不少自杀式爆炸的制造者正准备随时发起进攻,许多人都感到非常恐惧。