第 91 课:Withdrawal from Gaza (Part A) 以色列准备撤离加沙 (1)

In two months time Israel is to withdraw from the Gaza Strip. The disengagement plan has been bitterly opposed by the thousands of Israelis who live in the heavily defended settlements in Gaza which frequently come under attack from Palestinian militants. 再过两个月的时间以色列就要撤出加沙地带。这一撤离计划遭到了成千上万名以色列人的强烈反对,这些以色列人居住在加沙地带由重兵把守的定居点,这里经常遭到巴勒斯坦武装分子的攻击。

Those settlers who refuse to leave face being forcibly removed by the military. Alan Johnston has been gauging the mood in southern Gaza: 那些拒绝离开的定居者将面临着被军队强行遣离的命运。艾伦·约翰斯顿正在加沙南部地区考察事情的进展状况。

In the ruins of the Palm Beach Hotel you get a powerful sense that an era is drawing to a close that Israel's attempt to settle its people on the Gaza Strip is in its last days. 在棕榈滩酒店的废墟里你可以强烈地感觉到一个时代正在走向终结,以色列让其人民定居在加沙地带的企图已时日不多了。

The waves still crash on the fine sand in front of the beach hotel. But since the Palestinians launched their uprising against Israel -- the intifada -- nearly five years ago, Gaza has become a violent, dangerous place. People don't come on holiday anymore. 波浪依旧冲打着棕榈滩酒店前的细沙。但是自大约五年前巴勒斯坦人民发起针对以色列的起义以来,加沙地带就已变成了一处充满暴力和危险的场所。人们不再来此度假。

The Palm Beach resort complex was abandoned by its staff and management. The reception area and the dining room have been stripped of their fixtures and fittings. The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass. 棕榈滩酒店度假建筑群也被其员工和管理层遗弃了。接待区和就餐室的装置和设施都已经不复存在。海风沿着撒满破碎玻璃的楼面吹了进来。

A similar fate awaits everything that Israel has built here -- if it withdraws from Gaza in August, as planned. 如果以色列能在八月份按照计划如期从加沙撤出,那么类似的命运将等待着以色列在这建造起来的一切事物。

Some young settlers have been squatting in the hotel as it's decayed around them. For Elazaar Elchiam, life is good. He lives for nothing in one of the resort's beachfront apartments. The Mediterranean waves are just metres away, and Elazaar has a passion for surfing. 一些年轻的定居者一直蹲坐在酒店里,尽管他们四周已经破败不堪。对于埃拉扎尔·埃尔契亚姆而言,生活是美好的。他免费住在度假村海滩前面的一个公寓里,离地中海的海浪只有几米远,埃拉扎尔对冲浪充满着激情。

He grew up in one of the nearby settlements -- where red-roofed bungalows surrounded by lawns bake in the summer sun. Elazaar dreads the thought that this may well be his last summer on Gaza's beach. 他在附近的一个定居点长大,那里是草坪环绕的红顶平房,沐浴在夏日的阳光里。一想到这可能成为他在加沙沙滩的最后一个夏天,他就会感到害怕。

The settlers say Israel is making a mistake. That it's handing victory to the Palestinian militants who have been attacking Gush Katif for years. Israel has a horror of the possibility that the settler's homes will be treated as the spoils of victory by groups like the Hamas organisation. 定居者称以色列正在犯下一个错误,它这是在将胜利的果实交给数年来一直对古什卡蒂夫发动攻击的巴勒斯坦武装分子。以色列人一想到定居者的房屋可能会被诸如哈马斯等组织当成战利品时就会惊恐万分。

To prevent that, it's possible that the army will demolish everything in the days before the Israelis leave. 为了防止这种情况的出现,以色列军方可能在以色列人撤离前的几天就将所有的东西摧毁。

Debbie Rosen, a mother who's raised six children in Gush Katif, said she hates the thought of her home being destroyed. But at the same time she couldn't bear the idea of what she called "terrorists who killed her friends" taking over the house as they celebrate Israel's retreat. 黛比·罗森是一位在古什卡蒂夫养育了六个孩子的母亲,她说她非常憎恨自己的家会被毁掉这一想法,但同时她也不能忍受被她称作“杀害其朋友的恐怖分子”在庆祝以色列的撤退时来接管她的房子这一念头。