第 3 课:Sexual Desire 性欲 -5

Men!All they want to do is get into your pants. 男人想做的事, 无非是钻到你裤子里头去.

His mind is always in the gutter. 他的心老是很龌龊.

You have filthy mind. 你有一颗肮脏的心.

His mind wanders. 他想入非非.

They're making out in the movies. 他们在电影院里搂搂抱抱.

He likes to hug and kiss me. 他喜欢拥吻我.

Do you have any protection? 你有避孕措施吗?

He hit on me. 他勾引我.

It's the day after. He doesn't look himself. 他跟女人鬼混了一夜, 显得神色不定.