第 45 课:Consolation 安慰-1

I want to lend my moral support. 我想去做一下精神支持 .

We all like to know somebody cares for us. 谁都喜欢有人关怀自己 .

We all need someone to wipe away our tears. 我们都需要别人来安抚伤痛.

We all need someone to lean on. 我们都需要有人来支撑脆弱的心.

How reassuring. 我听了以后, 安心多了.

How encouraging! 你这番话鼓舞了我! 多么鼓舞人!

Justice is on your side. 公理会站在你这一边.

Good will triumph over evil. 邪不胜正.