第 69 课:Success. 成功-3

I'm on my way up the ladder. 我的行情看涨. 我正在节节高升.

I've risen to the top. 我已爬到巅峰.

There is no mystery behind his success. 他的成功, 并无玄妙之处.

The key to success is perseverance. 坚忍是开启成功之匙.

Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 成功是一分灵感, 加上九十九分的血汗.

He's set for life. 他这下半辈子已不愁吃穿.

Success is hard to hold on to. 创业难, 守成更难.

Their time has come and gone. 他们的黄金时期已过.