第 72 课:Fairness & Favoritism 公平与偏袒-1

He sees facts, not people. 他论事不论人.

Everyone is playing by the same rules, fair is fair. 大家都规规矩矩在参加比赛, 没人耍花样.

He won it fair and square. 他赢得光明磊落.

What's good for the gander is good for the goose. 要论公平的话, 男人可以做的事, 女人也可照做不误.

Don't ask me. I'm neutral. 不要问我的意见, 我不想偏袒哪一方.

He's impartial. 他公正无私.

These names are chosen arbitrarily. 这些名字是随意挑选出来的.

I want to be fair with you. 我不想让你吃亏.