第 77 课:Gift 礼物-2

Take it or you're not a friend. 把我当朋友的话, 就收下吧.

You're a good giver but a poor receiver 你不吝惜送东西给别人, 却不肯接受别人 半点儿好处.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 你尽管接受礼物, 不必多问.

Keep it. You might need it. 你留着吧, 也许有一天会派得上用场.

It's tough thinking of a present for her. 想不出该送她什么礼物才好, 真是伤透脑筋.

Please, say it with flowers. 请你带些礼物去, 不要光说好听话.

He takes without giving anything in return. 他不懂得礼尚往来.

It's not necessary to spend money on me Being my daughter is gift enough. 不用花钱买东西给我. 你能作为我的女儿, 已是最大的礼物.

It's the thought that counts. 心意如何才是最重要的.