第 11 课:Us Weekly Editor-in-Chief 女总编扭转乾坤-1

Anchor 主播
Bonnie is magic. She gets it. Gets the celebrities, the fashions, the women's audience. If you want to have a good time, call Bonnie. Those are just some of the things people are saying about Bonnie Fuller, editor-in-chief of Us Weekly. 邦妮真是不可思议。她成功了。她得到了名人、时尚和女性读者。如果你想拥有一段快乐时光,打电话给邦妮。这只是一些人在谈到《我们周刊》的总编邦妮时的一部分说法。

In the job since March, she has helped engineer a turn-around of sorts for the magazine. Newsstand sales are up more than 30% of the first six months of the year. Total sale increased to just over a million. Ad pages? Those are up too. About 6% in what has been a brutal ad market. 自从她2002年3月上任以来,她帮助杂志完成转型工作。在前半年,报摊销售增长逾30%。总销量超过了100万份。广告版面呢?也涨了。在严酷的广告市场中取得了6%的增长。

And this month, Advertising Age magazine named Bonnie Fuller “Editor of the Year”, the first person ever to receive that honor twice. And Bonnie Fuller joins us now from our New York studio. Bonnie, welcome. 《广告时代杂志》于本月提名邦妮·富勒为本年度最佳编辑,她是首位两度获此殊荣的人。邦妮·富勒通过我们的纽约演播室参加我们的节目。邦妮,欢迎你。

Bonnie 邦妮
Oh, thank you. 谢谢。

Anchor 主播
And I should say congratulations. 我应该恭喜你。

Bonnie 邦妮
Well, thank you for that as well. I'm thrilled to be here. 再次感谢你。我很高兴来这儿。

Anchor 主播
Well, you have clearly sewed up the headlines. Some of them: “American Idol: Kelly's Untold Story”; “Shat Stars Really Eat”; “Winona Finally, Her Story”. Other than those jazzy headlines, what else have you done to encourage readers to head to the newsstands. 你很明显地向标题下了手。其中有这样一些标题:“美国偶像:凯利鲜为人知的故事”、“明星吃什么”、“威诺娜,她的结局故事”。除了这些耸人听闻的标题外,你做了其他什么事情以把读者吸引到报摊上呢?

Bonnie 邦妮
We've packed the magazine with lively reports. Like just immediately after major red carpet events, premiers, parties, so that our reader feels she just absolutely ahs to get the latest information on what celebrities are doing, what they're wearing, what they're talking about. And she just can't wait for a month, she just has to pick it up now. 我们的杂志充满了鲜活的报道。及时报道铺红地毯的重大事件、首映式、晚会等,我们的读者想知道名人的最新动向,他们做什么、穿什么、谈论什么。这使得读者等不了一个月,而想马上就拿到杂志。

Anchor 主播
You've doubled, I understand that it's true, you've doubled your “Fashion Police” segment, which is filled with fashion don'ts? 我知道这是真的,你把“时尚警察”版面增加了一倍,该版面载满了时尚的禁忌事项。

Bonnie 邦妮
We've added a page to “Fashion Police” because it was such a popular feature. And one of the things that we've done lately is actually ask celebrities to “Fashion Police” themselves. So we had Jon Bon Jovi take a look at his outfits of the last 10 years, for example. And at the fact that he used to wax his chest for instance, then comment on all of those things. 我们增加了一页版面给“时尚警察”,因为它是一个受欢迎的栏目。我们最近所做的实际上是请名人来“时尚警察”演绎他们自己。比如我们要求Jon Bon jovi回顾一下他过去10年的服饰,包括他曾习惯于给胸部打蜡,然后再就诸如此类的事情做出评论。