第 12 课:Us Weekly Editor-in-Chief 女总编扭转乾坤-2

Anchor 主播
Is it fair to say that you take a more tabloidy approach? 说你采取的是小报作风的说法适当吗?

tabloidy: adj. (以轰动性报道为特点的、文简图多的)小报风格的

Bonnie 邦妮
Well, that's word, it's interesting, that means so many different things to different people. So I guess that I would say that we're taking a newsier approach. We're very much about breaking news. And you know, sometimes, news, when it comes to celebrities, is about their personal life or what's going on in their lives, such as Winona Rider, you know, the fact that she's coming up to trial. We last week, were the only publication or any media at all to talk to her parents about what was going on. 这只是一个词而已,它很有意思,仁者见仁智者见智。我想我们采取的是更新闻化的方式。我们喜欢突发性新闻。有时候,发生在名人身上的新闻是关于他们的私生活,或者是他们的生活状况,比如关于威诺娜·怀特即将受到审判的事实。上周,我们是唯一的就此事采访了她的父母的刊物或媒体。

Anchor 主播
Now I know your ad sales are up, but have you lost any advertisers, any big-time advertisers who may be a little nervous about the contents? 现在我知道你们的广告业绩上升,但是你们是否失去了些广告客户,一些对报道内容也许感到有些不安的大客户呢?

Bonnie 邦妮
I don't believe that anything unusual has happened in that regard. Our ad pages are up about 13% this year. And we expect that to increase enormously next year. For many advertisers, it's the very first time that they've actually looked at the magazine and consider coming in to it. And we're getting a very positive response. 我认为在此方面还没有出现任何异常。我们今年的广告版面增加了13%,并期望明年大幅度增加。对许多广告客户来说,他们第一次真正关注这本杂志,并且考虑广告投入。我们得到的反馈是积极的。

Anchor 主播
So you deliver the audience to advertisers that will follow? 是你用读者吸引了广告商吗?

Bonnie 邦妮
Yes, and many of them are enjoying reading it, too. 是的,他们中许多人也喜欢阅读这本杂志。

Anchor 主播
Is the magazine making money? 杂志赚钱吗?

Bonnie 邦妮
Absolutely it is. 当然了。

Anchor 主播
Can you give me more details on that? Or years, I should just tell our audience, for years Us Magazine has struggled to make money and has in fact been losing money. Progress on your front? 你能够具体解释一下吗?我应该告诉观众,《我们周刊》近年来一直努力赚钱,但是实际上一直赔钱。你们在经营方面有改过吗?

Bonnie 邦妮
There has been much progress on that front. The magazine has been making money, I believe, for almost the last six months. And you know, we are looking forward to, you know, keeping our fingers crossed, that it will grow exponentially. 在这方面大有改进。杂志在过去的6个月一直赚钱。我们企盼着,我们祝福着,它将成倍增长。