第 15 课:McGraw Hill Story 麦克劳·希尔传奇-1

Anchor 主播
When James McGraw started his publishing company in 1888, the hot new technology was electricity. Since then a few new things have been invented, and the world's need for information has only increased. 当詹姆斯·麦克劳希尔于1888年开创他的出版公司的时候,热门的新技术是电力。从那以后一些新东西的发明,世界对信息的需求开始增加。

Ali spent some time with Terry McGraw, the great grandson of the founder, and the leader of one of largest information empires in the world, McGraw Hill. 阿里花了一些时间采访了世界最大的信息王国之一麦克劳希尔公司的创始人的重孙特里·麦克劳希尔。他是当今世界上最大的信息王国的掌门人。

Ale Velshi 阿里·威尔士
When Terry McGraw took over his great grandfather's company, he saw his mission clearly: take this sprawling giant, born at the dawn of the industrial revolution, and bring it into the digital age. 当特里·麦克劳希尔接手其曾祖父的公司时,他非常清楚地看到了自己的使命:将这个诞生于工业革命初期的笨拙的巨人带入数字时代。

Terry McGraw, Chairman & CEO, McGraw Hill 特里·麦克劳希尔,麦克劳希尔公司总裁兼首席执行官
What McGraw companies are all about, and the people of McGraw Hill companies are, it really is a house of artisans. We are a house of intellectually based properties. 麦克劳希尔公司的实质是什么?麦克劳希尔员工组成的公司实质是以技术人员为本的出版社。我们的资产是以知识为根基的。

Velshi 威尔士
McGraw Hill was built on the hot industrial disciplines at the turn of the century. Engineer, electricity, railroads and construction. Decades later, Business Week was launched just two months before the stock market crash of 1929. 麦克劳希尔是在世纪之交火热的工业发展中建立起来的。涉及工程电力、铁路和建筑各个方面。几十年后,《商业周刊》在1929年股市崩溃的前两个月创刊。

Trade magazines like Aviation came in the thirties and forties, McGraw Hill textbooks were a staple in classrooms by the 1960's. Standard % Poor's was acquired in 1966. Each of these businesses took on a life of its own. 像《航空》那样的贸易杂志都在30年代末和40年代创刊,麦克劳希尔的教科书到20世纪60年代起被课程广泛使用。1966年,收购了《标准普尔》。每一桩生意都呈现出自己旺盛的生命力。

McGraw 麦克劳希尔
All of a sudden, we had a very large company, made up of a lot of footprints. And therefore we needed to start to sort through some of those things if you are going to be able to consistently perform. 突然之间,我们拥有了一个非常大的公司业务量。因此,要持续发展,我们就需要将我们介入的事情分类。

Velshi 威尔士
Terry McGraw came on board in 1979 to help his father fend off a hostile takeover bid by American Express. He never intended to stay, but he did, working his way up through the company. McGraw took over as president in 1993, and proceeded to turn it around. 特里·麦克劳希尔在1979年加入公司,帮助他的父亲抵制对手美国运通公司的收购企图。他从未想过要留下来,但却留了下来,在公司逐步上升。麦克劳希尔于1993年接任做了董事会主席,并开始让它转型。

Velshi 威尔士
When you took over of the company, one of the things you did is you had to replace a lot of your senior executives. How did you do that? How did that feel? 当你接管公司的时候,你要做的其中一件事就是你必须更换许多高级主管。你是怎么做的?感觉怎么样?

McGraw 麦克劳希尔
That was probably the most difficult thing that I went through. In a house of artisans, what you tend to do, you keep promoting artisans into those capabilities that they hadn't been necessarily trained for, not did they really desire to be in those kinds of managerial positions. 这可能是我经历的最困难的事情。在满是技术人员的出版社里,你常常会提拔这些技术人员至他们没有受过专门培训的管理职位。况且他们也不是真的想要那种管理人员的职位。