第 18 课:Can stun gun stop terror attacks? 恐怖克星——眩晕枪

Hattori 哈托利
Another source of those post 9/11 fears is air travel, specifically how can airlines keep their cockpit crews safe from attackers. They've already installed more secure cockpit doors, so what's next? 9/11恐怖事件的另一个后遗症来自于空中旅行,尤其是怎么样才能做到航空公司机组人员不受袭击者的伤害。我们已经安装了更安全的驾驶舱门,那么下一步该做些什么呢?

Well, United Airlines has begun arming its pilots with stun guns, but will they keep airplanes safe? Our Patty Davis got some conflicting answers. 联合航空公司已经给飞行员配备了眩晕枪,但是这样就能保证飞机安全了吗?帕蒂·戴维斯有不同看法。

Patty Davis, CNN correspondent 帕蒂·戴维斯,CNN特派记者
A training session at United Airlines, each of its 9,000 pilots learning how to defend the cockpit against intruders with a taser stun gun. 联合航空公司有一项培训课程,让旗下9000名飞行员学习如何使用“泰瑟”眩晕枪对付入侵者,以保护驾驶座舱。


Captain Hand Krakowski, United Airlines 汉克·克劳斯基,联合航空机长
Our goal is to make sure we keep the bad guys off the airplanes; if they get on the airplanes, to keep them out of the cockpit; and, if they try to get into the cockpit that we have a way of absolutely stopping them. 我们的目的就是确保让坏人远离飞机。如果已经上了飞机,我们就把他们挡在驾驶舱外;如果试图闯进驾驶舱,我们也完全有办法阻止他们。

Davis 戴维斯
United is the first of the major airlines to do the training. It's convinced that, as in this real life example, tasers will bring potential attackers down with a jolt. Taser says its M-26 has a 94 percent success rate in the field and says some 1,300 police departments use them. 联合航空是第一家进行这项培训的大型航空公司。他们完全相信,如同这个真实的例子,眩晕枪的威力能让企图袭击者应声倒地。“泰琵”枪公司称,其M-26型枪在实战当中的成功率是94%,目前有大约1300个警察部门使用它们。

Tom Smith, Taser international 汤姆·史密斯,泰琵国际公司
One shot anywhere on the body, immediate incapacitation and you don't have to be a marksman to use it. 只要命中身体的任何一个部分,他便立即动弹不得,即使你枪法不准也没关系。

Davis 戴维斯
Before United can go ahead with plans to put two stun guns in each cockpit, it has to get Transportation Department approval. An aviation security consultant says tasers won't stop hijackers and arrange this real life demonstration with his taser, the same one United is using. 在联合航空准备于驾驶舱放置两把眩晕枪的计划实施之前,必须通过运输部的许可。一位航空安全顾问说,“泰瑟”枪并不能阻止劫机者,他安排了一次使用联合航空相同型号的枪在真实生活中的演示。

(on camera) 镜头反面
A pilot seat belted in would have to turn around like this and shoot. 一位系好安全带的驾驶员要像这样转身,然后射击。

(voice-over) 画外音
Seven police officer volunteers, wearing normal clothing, were barely slowed down. 七位志愿警官,穿着平时的衣服,几乎没有减速。

Officer Lori Beach, Fairfax Country Police 洛里·比奇警官,费尔法赫县警察局
I think the surprise was the worst part, just not knowing what it was going to feel like. But if I had done it before, then I certainly would be even less stopped by it. 我觉得它最厉害的地方就是吓人一跳,不知道发生什么事。如果有过被它射中的经历,就不会再害怕了。

John Desmed, Protective Safety Systems 约翰·戴斯迈,安全保护系统官员
From what we saw today, the reliability factor isn't real high, and there might be other modalities of protection that are better for the cockpit. 就目前我们所看到的,它的可靠性并不高,应该还有其他更好的办法来保护驾驶舱。

Davis 戴维斯
What the union that represents the United pilots says is better for defending the cockpit is real guns, but because the Bush Administration is against arming pilots with lethal weapons, stun guns may be just what ends up in pilots hands. 联合航空飞行员协会称,最好是用真枪来保护驾驶舱,但是因为布什政府反对给飞行员配备致命枪械,所以眩晕枪也许还是飞行员最终选择的武器。