第 23 课:Elephant's Talk 大象的私语-1

Kellan 凯伦
Did you hear what one elephant said to the other? No. This is not a joke. It's the subject of scientific study. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on what researchers overheard while monitoring herds of elephants. 你听到过大象与伙伴之间的谈话吗?不,这绝不是玩笑。它是一项科研课题。科学家在追踪象群活动时,偷听了它们的谈话,CNN记者珍妮·默丝做了如下报道。

Jeanne Moos, CNN correspondent 珍妮·默丝,CNN记者
Ever wonder what elephants talk about? Neither did we, until we heard from acoustic biologist Katie Payne. She speaks elephant.
What does it mean again? 你想过大象会聊些什么吗?我们可从未想过,直到从声学生物学家卡帝·佩恩那里听到了象语。她在模仿大象的语言。

Unidentified female 女被访者
Let's go. 我们走吧。

Moos 默丝
Prepare for a close encounter with the animal mind. New York's Wildlife Conservation Society sponsored Payne's lecture, eavesdropping on giants. 请准备好同动物的思想做一次亲密接触吧。纽约野生生物资源保护学会为佩恩题为《偷听巨人的谈话》的演讲提供资助。

Unidentified female 女被访者
This ear flopping means terribly exciting. 大象扇动耳朵表示它们异常兴奋。

Moos 默丝
The cause of the excitement, elephants mating. Payne and fellow researchers shot this footage in Africa from atop an observation post. 大象因为交配而兴奋。佩恩与同事们在非洲观察站顶摄下了这组镜头。

Unidentified female 女被访者
This is interesting. When you see the male stand up like that, you realize that the exercise that they train elephants to do in circuses and zoos, to stand on their hand legs is not all the artificial. 这很有意思。当你看到雄象这样站着,你会明白在马戏团和动物园对大象进行前脚站立训练完全不是人类臆想出来的。

Moos 默丝
Acoustically speaking, what happens before and after mating is most interesting. The female announcing she's ready and willing. And afterward, elephants come to sniff the spot where the mating took place. The experts don't know what they're saying, though one audience member hazarded a guess. 从象的叫声判断,交配前后发生的事情最有意思。雌象宣布她准备好了并且很愿意。交配后,大象情侣会走过去用力嗅嗅交配地点。专家们不知道它们在说些什么,但一个观众还是大胆地猜了猜。

Unidentified female 女被访者
I think it's gossip. 我想它们在闲聊。