第 58 课:Volvo's Concept Car 沃尔沃的新概念-1

Hattori 哈托利
Of course, not all traffic jams are caused by too many cars. Bonehead drivers I mean, accidents are another culprit. Well, in its efforts to reduce the accident rate, Volvo has unveiled a $10 million safety concept car. 当然,并非所有堵车都是因为车辆太多造成的。司机反应迟钝--我的意思是交通事故是堵车的另外一个原因。为了减少交通事故的发生,沃尔沃汽车公司展示了一辆耗资1000万美元的新概念安全轿车。

And someday, features from this vehicle may go into cars that we can afford. Ann Kellan takes it for a spin. 终有一天,这辆沃尔沃的种种性能也能走进平常百姓家。安·凯兰对此进行报道。

Ann Kellan, CNN Correspondent 安·凯兰,CNN特派
Most, if not all, car manufacturers create concept cars you won't find in a showroom but are used to help develop technologies for future cars. This one focuses on safety. 记者绝大多数(即使不是全部)的汽车厂商都在生产那种你在汽车经销商处找不到的新概念车,它们能有助于发展未来普通汽车的技术。这辆新型沃尔沃汽车着重强调安全性。

Ten million dollars of research and technology went into the Volvo safety concept car. This baby is loaded with features. 这辆沃尔沃牌新概念安全轿车凝聚着价值1000万美元的科研技术。这个尤物有诸多特性。

From a see-through pillar that reduces a driver's blind spots to sensors and computers that adjust the seats based on the location of the driver's eyes, the goal, to reduce accidents and improve comfort and security on the road. So when I get in, there is an eye sensor that recognizes me? 从可降低司机盲区的半透明车框架,到根据司机眼睛的位置调节座椅高度的感应器和电脑,它的设计目标是:减少事故发生,提高驾驶安全度和舒适度。当我上车时,眼部感应器能认出我,对吗?

Steve Rohanna, Ford Motor Company 史蒂夫·罗哈纳,福特汽车公司
That's right. It will recognize your face and your eyes. 对它会辨认出你的面孔和眼睛。

Kellan 凯兰
And adjust the seat? 还会调整座椅吗?

Steve Rohanna 史蒂夫·罗哈纳
And adjust the seat and pedals, and the steering wheel and console. The seat doesn't go forward and left. 还会调整座椅、踏板和方向盘以及控制台。座椅不能往前和往左调整。

Kellan 凯兰
It doesn't go back. 座椅也无法向后调整。

Steve Rohanna 史蒂夫·罗哈纳
We move the pedals instead. 相反,我们可以移动踏板。