第 274 课:关于饮料-2

A: While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner, would you like to order your drinks?
B: Can you tell me where your wine list is?
A: The wine list is posted right there on the board.
B: Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant?
A: Yes, we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar.
B: Do you have any house specials that you could recommend?
A: Our most popular drinks are our Cuervo Gold margaritas.
B: That sounds like a good choice for me. May I have one, please?
A: Can I bring that to you on the rocks, or would you like it blended?
B: Please bring it to me on the rocks.
A: Salt or no salt?
B: I would like it with no salt, please.