第 6 课:Judge 法官-2

Sentencing is at the discretion of the judge. 量刑由法官自由裁定.

The chaiman of the tribunal asked to see all the facts on the income tax claim. 审判长要求考虑所有有关所得税主张的事实.

The judge was appointed to sit in a special case. 该法官被任命审理一个特别案件.

The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court. 治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审.

The judge accepted the defendant's undertaking not to harass the plaintiff. 法官认可了被告不去骚扰原告的承诺.

The judge decided in favor of plaintiff. 法官判原告胜诉.

The judge disallowed the defense evidence. 法官没有采信辩方证据.

The judge exceeded his powers in criticizing the court of appeal. 法官越权对上诉法院进行批评.

The judge found that the plaintiff's pleadings disclosed no cause of action. 法官裁定原告诉状没有说明诉因.

The judge heard the case in chamber. 法官不公司审理该案.