第 21 课:Strategies 策略-1

Plan ahead. There's more than one way to skin a cat. 要预先做好策划。条条道路通罗马。

Don't re-inventing the wheel. 不要重炒冷饭。

If this scheme works it'll take us to the bank. 如果这项计划奏效,我们会会大财。

This shortcut can save you valuable time. 这条捷径节省你不少宝贵的时间。

If we must, we must. 如果非做不可,只好横下心来。

The safest way is the best way. 最安全的路子,就是最好的途径。

Better safe than sorry. 事先讲求安全,总比事后悔恨划算。

Let's kill two birds with one stone. 我们来个一石两鸟之计。