第 29 课:Food 食物

Cajun food is often very salty and spicy. 路易斯安那州的菜肴,通常都是即咸又辣。

I love hot chili. 我爱吃辣椒。

I love to pig out at all-you-can-eat buffets. 我喜欢到“任君吃饱为止”的自助餐馆,去大吃特吃一顿。

One man's meat could be another man's poison. 某人之佳肴美味,是之为另一人之毒药。

Kids always like to dunk their cookies in milk. 小孩子们老是喜欢把饼干浸在牛奶里弄湿了再吃。

What kind of food do you prefer? 你喜欢什么料理?

When you have a hankering for pizza, call Domino's. 你嘴馋相吃比萨饼时,打电话给“达米诺比萨店”要他们送来。