第 3 课:Lack of Gratitude 不感恩-2

You just want everything but give nothing in return. 你什么都要,但从不投桃报李。

Now that you're on the fast track, you just forget your friends. 现在你飞黄腾达,把朋友都给忘了。

When the danger is past, God is forgotten. 船过水无痕。

He's such an ingrate. 他是个忘恩负义的人。

He won't give a damn. 他一点儿也不在乎你为他做了什么。

Don't burn your bridges behind you. 不要过河拆桥。

I hate people who shit where they eat. 我讨厌那种恩将仇报的人。

Never bite the hand that feeds you. 不要跟你的衣食父母过不去。

Why argue with your customer? He's your meal ticket. 何必和顾客争吵呢?他是养活你的粮票。