第 45 课:Locations 地点

This place is dead. There's hardly any customers. 这里死气沉沉,难得有顾客上门。

The store is in a bad location. 这家商店的地点不适中。

He lives in the boondocks. I'm going downtown. 他住在穷乡僻壤。我到市中心去一趟。

Avoid driving in this neighborhood. It's a red-light district. 这是红灯区, 要避免在附近开车,

The United States is a melting pot for all nationalities. 美国是所有种族的大熔炉。

Los Angeles is a hotbed of racial tension in the U.S. 洛杉矶是美国各族关系紧张的地方。

For many, the U.S. is a land of milk and honey. 对许多人来说,美国是一块流奶与流蜜之地。