第 58 课:Purchasing a Car 购车-2

A:Why don't you sell this pile of trash? 干嘛你不把这堆废铁给卖了?

B:I would, but who'd want it? 我想卖啊,但有谁买呢?

A:Why don't you sell this bucket of bolts? 你何不把这部破车子卖掉呢?

B:I would, but nobody would buy it. 我要卖啊,但没人买。

If you're looking for trouble, go buy a used car. 如果你要自找麻烦的话,去买一部二手车吧。

You're selling me a lemon. 你想卖给我一部中看不中用的车子。

It's a trouble-prone car. 这是一部毛病百出的车子。