第 61 课:Asking Directions 问路-1

Is there another way home besides this washboard road? 除了这条洗衣板路外, 还有其他回家的路吗?

Which way is the hospital? 医院该往哪儿走?

A:Is there any landmark by your location? 你那里有什么醒目的标志吗?

B:Sure, the post office is right across the street from us. 有呀,邮局就在 我们的对面。

It's diagonally across the street from the bus stop. 他就在巴士站的斜对面。

The store is three blocks down and to the left. You can't miss it . 这家店铺在往下走三条街的左边,你一定会找到。

Up two streets, take a right, the store will be on your left. 往前走二条街,向右拐,那家铺子就在你的左边。

Keep going. After you pass three lights, you'll run right into it. 你继续走,过三个红绿灯就会碰见它。

You won't miss it. 你一定会找到它。