第 88 课:Authors & Writing 作者与写作-2

Your handwriting is super neat. 你的笔迹十分工整。

I think it's spelled wrong. 我想这个字是拼错了。

There are too many misprints in the book. 这本书拼错了很多字。

This poem is not rhythmic. 这首歌念起来没有韵律感。

Publish or perish. 不出书就甭想活下去。

Staple these together. 把这些纸(文件)钉起来按号码的顺序,

Collate these papers. 把这些 文书钉在一块儿。

Please have these papers shredded. 请将这些文件用碎纸机销毁掉。

Save the scrap paper for recycling. 保留废纸以便回收再利用。

Please jot it down in your notebook. 请把它记在笔记本里。