第 89 课:Airline Flights 航班-1

I can't take a standby. I need a confirmed seat. 我不要候补票,我必须有确定的机位。

I have a round trip ticket to D.C. 我有一张到华盛顿的来回票。

I have a flight to catch. 我赶着要去搭一趟班机。

I'm sorry. We're all booked up for Flight 194. 对不起,一九四航班已客满。

Please check in two hours in advance. 请在起飞两小时前作搭机登记。

I hope I'm not sandwiched in between anyone in this flight. 在这一班机中,希望我不会像三明治似的被夹在中间。

Do you have any luggage? 你有行李要托运吗?

Any carry-ons? 你有随身携带的行李吗?