第 89 课:Airline Flights 航班-4

This airport looks like a maze. I can't find my way around. 这座机场像迷宫,找不到我要走的路。

You can buy liquor duty free at the airport gift shop. 你可以在机场的礼品店买到免税的酒。

Where is the baggage claim? 在哪里提取行李呢?

Your luggage is still in transit. 你的行李还在运送中。

Those customs officers were really nasty. They made a mess of my luggage. 那些海关缉私官员太恶劣了, 他们把我的行李弄得一团糟。

He's still suffering from jet lag. even though it's the third day after his arrival here in the States. 他仍为时差所苦,虽然他已抵美三天。

My luggage got lost during the flight transfer. 我的行李在转机时弄丢了。