第 93 课:Sightseeing 观光

Let me show you around. 我带你到处看看。

Let's take the scenic route. 咱们走风景漂亮的路线吧。

New York is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. 纽约离这儿不远。

Can you show me the hot spots in town? 你能带我到城里最引人入胜的地方吗?

How easy is it to get around in New York? 纽约市区的交通还算方便吗?

This hike will takes over some rugged terrain. 这趟长途跋涉,要经过一些崎岖之地。

It's quite a tour. 这一趟观光真是有看头。

That beach house is a nice weekend retreat. 那栋海滨度假屋,是周末调养身心的好去处