第 94 课:Scenery 风景

What a sight! 多美的景色!

That's quite a view! 多么令人赞叹的景致!

This place looks just like a post card. 这里的风光秀丽如画。

The twin towers in New York are truly awe-inspiring. 纽约的世贸中心大楼,令人望而生畏。

The ocean sure makes you feel inferior. 浩瀚大海使人倍觉渺小。

The view of the sunset is truly breathtaking. 夕阳西下的瑰丽景色,令人叹为观止。

It's the crack of dawn. 天已破晓。

That fireworks display is truly spectacular. 那场焰火表演很壮观。

This hill looks really steep. 这座山看起来很陡。

I filmed the amazing sight. 我录下了那惊人的景象。

Why does leaf raking have to take all the fun out of fall? 为何秋天所有的情趣,非得被扒落叶给毁了呢?