第 96 课:Hobbies 嗜好

Quite a collection, isn't it? 真是了不起的收集,不是吗?

In his spare time he likes to tinker with computers. 他空闲时喜欢摆弄计算机 (拆修或作程序设计)

He likes to toy around the house. 他喜欢做屋子里一些修修补补的工作。

Cars are his life. 车子活像他的命。

He's in love with his car. 他迷恋上他的车子。

He makes women his hobby. 他把拈花若草当成嗜好。

Is surfing your cup of tea? 冲浪是你的嗜好吗?

Are you into scuba diving? 你喜欢潜水吗?

Are you keen on painting? 你喜欢画图吗?

I have a passion for sculpture. 我对雕刻很热衷。

Gymnastics isn't for me. 我不喜欢体育。

Needlepoint is not my thing. 刺绣非我所长。