第 98 课:Having Fun 玩乐

I'm having the time of my life. 这是我一生中最愉快的时刻。

We had the time of our lives during our college years. 我们四年的大学生活过得很惬意。

We had a helluva time at the New Year's Eve party. 我们在新年除夕夜的庆祝晚会玩得很尽兴。

We're having a whale of a time. 我们在游乐场玩得好开心。

Oh, I'm as happy as a lark now that I'm single again! 啊,我又成了云雀那般快乐的单身汉。

Thanks for a lovely time. 谢谢你带给我的美好的时光。