第 4 课:Morality 道德 -2

I have very strong feelings about right and wrong. 我明辨是非. 我是非感分明.

That's unprofessional. 那不是行家的手法.

I still have some moral scruples. 我还有些道德标准.

Be true to yourself. 不要欺心. 要对自己忠实.

It's the principle of the thing. 这是原则问题.

I'm doing it for my own peace of mind. 我这样做, 只是图个心安.

Sometimes, a virtue can become a vice. 有时, 美德也会变成罪恶.

This is no way to enter paradise. 这是赴天堂的行径.

I appeal to your sense of decency. (我)请你们摸摸自己的良心.