第 63 课:Premonition 预感

I've got a hunch. 我有个预感.

I just have a gut feeling about it. 我对它有一种难以言喻的直觉.

There's a connection here. I just know it. 我就晓得这两者间一定有所牵连.

I knew my instinct was right. 我早就知道, 我的直觉错不了.

I've got a nose for these things. 我的下意识对这种事最敏感.

It doesn't smell good. 情势不妙.

I sense something wrong. 我感到有什么事不对劲

Something must have gone wrong. 一定是出了什么岔子.

Something's just not right, but I can't put my finger on it. 我知道有什么事不对劲但我不能明确地指出是什么.

Something's gonna happen. I can feel it in my bones. 我从骨子里可以觉察到快出事了.

Something big is going on. 有件事正在酝酿中.

My guts tell me I can do it. 本能告诉我, 我做得来.