第 68 课:Reconsideration 重新考虑-2

It deserves a second look. 这值得再商榷.

Is it worth it? 这样做值得吗?

I have to step back and reconsider the whole thing. 我必须退一步重新全盘考虑.

He does everything without a second thought. 他做事欠缺考虑. 他做事考虑不周全.

Look before you leap. 三思而后行. 仔细观察后再行动.

Don't jump the gun. 不要太过急切.

Don't go off half cocked. 枪的扳机还没扣上, 先别忙着击发.

Haste makes waste. 急则有损.

On second thought, I'd better not. 我想了想, 还是不做为妙.