第 7 课:Tricks & Traps 诡计与陷阱-2

What game are you playing? 你在玩什么把戏?

I think they padded the bill. 我认为他们浮报了开销.

I suspect he may have altered the figures. 我怀疑他在数字上动了手脚.

You've got a crooked operation here. 你在这儿做讹诈客人的生意.

Don't get hooked. 别受骗.

She's only dangling the carrot in front of you. 她用可望不可及的东西在驱使你.

This is the latest gimmick. 这是最新的把戏.

Don't be trapped by any pitfalls. 不要陷入任何诱惑.

He's really a wolf in sheep's clothing. 他是一只披了羔羊皮的狼.