第 70 课:Impressions 印象

Don't make a bad impression on me. 不要留给我坏印象.

I'm impressed. 我很佩服.

It was awesome! 这令人肃然起敬!

He always has a good word for me. 他总是说我的好话。

He speaks well of her. 他很赞赏她.

Offhand,I'd say he's stupid. 如果要我不假思索而言我会说他很蠢.

There's something phony about that character. 那个人有点儿虚假.

I have a tainted view of that type of person. 我对那种类型的人印象极差.

What will people think? 你以为别人会作感想?

You know what they're going to put on your tombstone? 你可知道他们会在你的墓碑上写些什么吗

Please try to put your best foot forward with your new teacher, Bill. 比尔, 要做出最好的表现给你的新老师看