第 73 课:Handsome 英俊

He's a good-looking kid. 他是个长相漂亮的男孩子.

He's tall, dark and handsome. 他高大、肤色健康又英俊.

He's a fox. 他很帅.

He's got dashing good looks. 他雄姿英发.

He has looks I could die for. 他貌若潘安.

He is a clean-cut kid who never gets in trouble. 他是个衣着整齐、眉目清秀、从不闯祸的小孩.

You're a quite a dish in that suit. 你穿那件衣服时, 显得秀色可餐.

You look snazzy. 你的穿着新颖.