第 129 课:Being Kind and Generous 宽厚-1

It's better to give than to receive. He's so nice and helpful. 施比受有福。他心地善良,乐于助人。

He doesn't skimp on things. Go buy yourself a cup of coffee. 他对财物从不吝啬。这点钱拿去买咖啡吧。

He enjoys doing good. He's a regular Boy Scout. 他乐善好施。他并非你所想得那么仁慈。

She's tenderhearted. She's caring and thoughtful. 她的心肠软。她关心又体贴别人。

She's softhearted. She's considerate. 她是个软心肠的女人。她处处为人着想。

You're a warm and tender person. He sure has a big heart. 你是富有感情的温馨人物。他的心地很好。

He's generous to a fault. He's a big teddy bear. 他慷慨的不像话。他的块头大、孔武有力,但却心地善良。

He's a sentimental old softy. 他是重感情的软心肠人物。