第 132 课:Stocks 股票

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 不要将你所有的财产孤注一掷。

Good call! Those stocks made money. 好见识!那些股票赚钱了。

In the stock market, if you don't know which way the wind is blowing , you could lose everything. 在股票市场里,如果不懂得见风使舵,会蚀光老本。

To do well in stocks you need to keep your ear to the ground . 想做好股票投资, 非得有灵通的消息不可。

Blue-chip stocks are usually safe bets. 蓝股通常是保险的投资。

You'll lose your shirt if you put money in that stock. 如果你投资那种股票,准会教你蚀光老本。

What's the dollar to yen exchange rate? 现在美金和日元的兑换率是多少?

The stock market took a real nose dive that October 13th a few years ago. 几年前股票市场在10月13日来了个倒栽葱。