第 138 课:Blocking Action 遏止

Knock it off! Stop all this foolishness. 少来!不要再做这种蠢事。

Will you please cut it out? Stop! Enough is enough! 别再做了行不行?停!我说够了就够了!

That does it! 我受够了!

This is going to stop right here, right now! 这件是必须当场停止!

There ought to be a law against it. This is a taboo. 这种是应该有法律禁止才对。 这是禁忌。

That type of behavior is frowned upon. 那种行为不被容许。

That's strictly a no-no. It's unlawful to litter. 那是绝对不可以做的事。随地抛弃杂物,抵触法规。

That's against the law. 那是违法的。

There's a $200 fine for spitting. 随地吐痰罚两百美元。