第 141 课:Breaking The Rules 违纪

Parents make the rules. Kids break the rules. 父母的订下规矩,小孩子破坏规矩。

Rules are meant to be broken. You broke the rules. 法规就是制定来让人们打破的。你违反了规定。

You can't always go by the book. Sometimes you have to bend the rules. 你不能墨守成规,要稍作权宜变通。

There's no law against it. 没哪条法律禁止人做这种事。

See it through. 你看着把这件事办好。

I need to see an immediate results. 我要立刻看到效果。

Is that too much to ask? 这样是过分的要求吗?

Throw the book at him. 给他最严厉的处罚。

People with money think they're above the law. 富人以为法律拿他们没辙。