第 19 课:Physical Motion 身体的运动-4

A:Can you hand me that pair of scissors? 把那一把剪刀递给我好吗?

B:Come and get it. 要的话自己过来拿。

You have to turn it clockwise. 你必须顺时针方向转动它。

Turn counterclockwise to loosen the cap. 按逆时针方向扭开盖子。

Make sure you don't put them in backwards. 当心不要装反了。

Somebody pinched me. 不晓得是谁捏了我一下。

Don't poke it with your finger. 不要用你的手指头戳 。

Stop slamming the door!' 不要甩门!

Please walk on tippytoes. 脚步要放轻点儿。