第 86 课:Quitting A Job 辞职

Go ahead and quit! I'll find someone else! 你尽管辞职不干,我会另请高明!

If he wants to go, let him go. 如果他执意要走,就让他走。

There are plenty of fish in the sea. 要找工作做的人多的是。

You are not the one and only. 天底下又不光是你 一个男(女)人。

It's your decision if and when you quit. 辞不辞职和几时走,都取决于你。

He no longer works here. 他不在这里上班了。

If you leave here, nobody can take your place. 如果你走了,没人能接你的工作。

Nowadays, young people just pick up and leave. 这年头的年轻人说走就走。

He took my place. 他取代了我的职位。