第 9 课:Appearance; Getting Dressed 貌与穿着-1

She's upstairs primping herself. 她在楼上做最后的打扮。

I want to freshen up a bit. 我想去梳洗一下。

A: You look different. 你看起来有点儿不一样。

B: I'm not wearing my makeup. 那是因为我没化妆 的缘故。

I don't have my face on. 我还没化妆。

I'll be right back. I need to powder my nose. 我去补补妆,马上回来。

Some women prefer to sacrifice comfort for beauty. 那些女人情愿为漂亮而牺牲自己的舒适。

These days you need to be very image-conscious. 这年头你必须十分注意自己的形象。